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Star Mod. 30 MI Starfire – 9mm
For sale is a Star Mod. 30 MI Starfire semi-auto pistol in 9mm. Serial number- 1714387. This pistol includes two 15-round magazines. The Mod30 was an improvement over the Mod28. That gun was famous for failing the first of the early 1980s JSAAP competition stages for guns aspiring to become the new U.S. armed service standard-issue pistol. Although Star outperformed both the Ruger and Smith & Wesson entries, the military brass eventually awarded the Beretta 92 the contract.) Before the 28, Star had never manufactured a pistol of in-house design. Up to that point, derivations of John Browning’s 1911 had put bread on their table. Though Star did not generally give customer-specific suffixes, it is common in the defense industry, and in this case, they did. RCMP's Firearms Reference Table indicates the pistols are for the Indian market, and a 1997 Star factory letter to Glen Rostron states that the M30MI is "exactly the same" as the 30M, and was "was going to be destined" for a contract in India, presumably indicating that it was not filled. Several of the 30 MI variants are also stamped "Starfire," which was a commercial label used to sell the M30 series off and on. V2-E3 Barrel Length: 4.25 Bore condition: Good
Serial Number: 1714387
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Maynard Valeriano –
This is my first semiautomatic pistol I purchased while serving the US Army , stationed at Hunter Army Airfield/Ft Stewart GA in 1991. Amongst several semiautomatic pistols the Star Firestar 30MI 9mm is my favorite. It’s a tack driver, very accurate because it’s robust full-size weight which is a comfortable reality. I can fire the Star repeatedly hitting a tight group because of its smooth trigger and heavy barrel weight lessen recoil. Since Star closed in 1996, spare parts are hard to find especially magazines. I’m always on look out for magazines. Star is my home defense weapons. SW MP Shield 40 is EDC.
Maynard Valeriano –
This is my first semiautomatic pistol I purchased while serving the US Army , stationed at Hunter Army Airfield/Ft Stewart GA in 1991. Amongst several semiautomatic pistols the Star Firestar 30MI 9mm is my favorite. It’s a tack driver, very accurate, robust. smooth trigger makea it accurate. Star is my home defense weapons. SW MP Shield 40 is EDC.