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FB Radom Vis Model 35 – 9mm
For sale is a FB Radom Vis Model 35 semi-automatic pistol in 9mm. Serial number- G2314. This pistol is in good condition with some dings and scratches on the slide and frame. It comes with the original holster and two magazines. All visible serial numbers on the pistol appear to be matching. The left side of the slide is marked "F.B. RADOM VIS MOD. 35. Pat. Nr.15567/"P35 (p). The serial number is located on the right side of the frame above the trigger. The Nazi army eagle/swastika firing proof and "eagle/625" are stamped on the left side of the slide behind the nomenclature and barrel, and the "eagle/WaA77" German army acceptance stamp is located on the left side of the slide and frame.
Referred to as the 35 vis by the Polish, production began at the Fabryka Broni arms factory in Radom, Poland in 1935, and was adopted as the standard handgun of the Polish Army the following year. The pistol was valued by the Germans and towards the end of the war issued to German paratroopers. Largely based on John Browning’s Hi-Power and using 9mm, the Vis is highly prized by collectors. V2-I4 Barrel Length: 4.5 Bore condition: Good
Serial Number: G2314
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