WW2 Guns

Featured Gun: Mauser P.08 Black Widow Luger byf 9mm

  The Luger, one of the most recognizable handguns of the twentieth century, is well known for its wide use by German military forces during World War I and World War II. Often associated with the Nazi regime, it was the handgun of the Kaiser’s Soldaten before Hitler took power. During the war, many U.S. […]

Featured Gun: Webley & Scott No.1 Mark I Flare Gun (Boba Fett’s gun)

The Webley & Scott No.1 Mark I flare gun was designed for firing signal flares during World War I and in the early stages of World War II. It was widely used by various military and civilian organizations as a signaling device and later converted to launch tear gas munitions for law enforcement. The gun […]

Featured Gun: Mint First Generation Arisaka Type 99 For Sale!

During World War II, Imperial Japanese soldiers were armed with Arisaka bolt-action rifles. There were two types: Type 38 and Type 99. The Type 99 Arisaka was issued to soldiers as an improvement on the Type 38 with a larger round and other upgrades. The Type 99 is regarded as one of the strongest military […]

Featured Gun: Walther P38 Zero Series 9mm For Sale!

When Germany fell into economic depression after World War I, its military sought to replace the infamous, relatively fragile, and expensive to manufacture Luger with a more modern and easy to manufacture pistol. The German Military found its solution in what would eventually become the Walther P.38. The P.38 was a cutting edge semi-automatic pistol […]

Featured Gun: U.S. Small Arms Co. Huntsman Knife Pistol for Sale!

When one thinks about a pocket knife, the common thoughts about it are its lightweight, useful during recreational activities, a helpful tool for many jobs and can even be implemented during self defense as a slashing weapon. However, not often do we associate a knife with the capability to shoot a bullet like a gun […]

Featured Gun: Mauser Luger 1937 S/42 Pistol For Sale!

The German Luger, well known for its wide use by German military forces during World War I and World War II, is often associated with the Nazi regime. However, it was the handgun of the Kaiser’s Soldaten before Hitler took power. The Luger pistol was first manufactured in 1900 for both military and commercial use. […]

Featured Gun: DWM Gewehr Model 1898 for Sale!

The Gewehr 98, a German bolt-action rifle firing the powerful 7.92×57mm Mauser cartridge replaced the earlier Gewehr 1888 rifle as the standard German service rifle and was the main German infantry weapon of World War I. The Gewehr 98 was issued to the military by the Ottoman Empire and by Spanish Nationalists. It was a […]

Featured Gun: Gewehr 43 Rifle for Sale!

The Gewehr 43, commonly known as Hitler’s Garand, was developed by the Nazi regime during World War II. Chambered in 7.92×57mm (8mm Mauser), the design went into production in 1943 and were the most common self loading rifle utilized by Nazi forces. The design was based on the earlier Walther G41 and was supposed to […]

Featured Gun: M1A1 Paratrooper Carbine for Sale!

On June 6, 1944, Operation Overlord, commonly known as D-Day, 156,000 American, British and Canadian forces landed on five beaches along a 50-mile stretch of the heavily fortified coast of France’s Normandy region. The Allies target was under the control of Nazi Germany and was one of the largest amphibious military assaults in history. By […]

Featured Gun: Tokarev Model SVT-40 for Sale!

The Tokarev Model SVT-40 saw widespread service during World War II. The rifle reflects the Soviet’s desire to have a semi-automatic, magazine-fed rifle chambered in a punchy round similar to the American M1 Garand. The initial reaction of Soviet troops to this rifle was negative. Among the mounting issues were that the rifle was too […]

Featured Gun: FB Radom Vis Model 35 Type II!

The FB Radom Vis Model 35 was considered one of the highest-quality military pistols made before World War II. The materials used were the premium and the fit and finish were commercial grade. When Nazi Germany defeated Poland in 1939, the Germans captured the Radom factory and turned its capabilities toward supplying arms for the […]

Featured Gun: Walther P.38 Pistol!

When Germany fell into economic depression after World War I its military searched to replace the infamous,  relatively fragile and expensive to manufacture Luger with a more modern and easy to manufacture pistol. It found its solution in what would eventually become the Walther P.38.  The P.38 was a cutting edge semi-automatic pistol design, which […]

Featured Gun: 1916 German Luger Pistol For Sale!

The Luger is well known for its wide use by German military forces during World War I and World War II. Often associated with the Nazi regime, it was the handgun of the Kaiser’s Soldaten before Hitler took power. Many U.S. troops managed to bring home these pistols as war trophies from dead Nazi soldiers. […]

Featured Gun: Scarce Winchester M1 Garand For Sale!

A truly iconic rifle and undisputed World War II champion, the M1 Garand asserted its dominance on the battlefields in both the Pacific theater and Europe. Heralded by General George S. Patton as the “greatest battle implement ever devised,” the M-1 Garand was the world’s first successfully fielded semi-automatic rifle. American soldiers raved about its […]

A Brief History of the M-1 Garand

By James Martineau, Heralded by General George S. Patton as the “greatest battle implement ever devised,” the M-1 Garand was the world’s first successfully fielded semi-automatic rifle. The ability to fire semi automatically from an eight round fixed magazine loaded by an en bloc clip put the United States at an advantage compared to other […]

A Few Thoughts on the Relevance of the Browning Hi-Power

By James Martineau, Among the most popular of pistols throughout the last century has been Browning’s Hi-Power. Highly popular in both military, LE and civilian circles, the Hi-Power proved itself in combat and competition. It was developed by John Browning and began production in 1936. The Hi-Power was innovative as it employed a double stack […]

The M1895 Nagant: is it Collection Worthy?

By Brandon Wenschlag Here at D4, we get a wide variety of collectors firearms, including an occasional M1895 Nagant. For some, this revolver is a curiosity but does not draw the interest of collectors like Colt, Smith & Wesson or Webley revolvers of the same era. However, the Nagant has an extensive history spanning from […]

Star and Astra Handguns in the Service of Nazi Germany

By James Martineau, With the conquest of France in 1940, Germany found itself sharing a border with Spain. Considering the Nationalist victory in the recent Civil War, Spain was sympathetic, albeit, not an active ally to Nazi Germany. Due to the increasing need of handguns to support the Nazi war effort, the Spanish Arms manufacturers […]

The Thompson Sub-Machine gun

The Thompson Sub-Machine gun AKA the Tommy Gun, is synonymous as an iconic American piece of weaponry that was romanticized by the roaring twenties outlaws, G-Men and the American soldiers that led the United States to victory in World War II. Outright, it is one of the most recognizable firearms in history and has only […]

The M1919 Browning, A Piece of American Military History

The M1919 Browning, a .30 caliber heavy machine gun that was widely used during World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. The M1919 was utilized in the battlefield as a light infantry, coaxial, mounted, aircraft, and anti-aircraft machine gun by the United States armed forces. The belt-fed Browning machine gun was a […]

Colt 1911 Champions of Liberty Tribute Pistol

  The Champions of Liberty Colt Government Model 1911 .45 pistol is a truly elegant handgun that is extremely rare. Handsomely decorated in 24-karat gold and genuine wood grips adds another level of sophistication to this classic Colt 1911 pistol that would make any 1911 fanatic salivate. Only 500 of these tribute pistols were made […]